Whether you are a school leaver or a graduate job hunting can be a lonely business and one which requires initiative. This section of Courses & Careers UK is designed to help you consider the vast range of employment options that are available. You may come across employment opportunities that might not have occurred to you before now. We aim to help point you in the direction of the right career for you and to offer handy hints and tips for securing your dream job.
Careers service
Finding the right job can take a long time. With so much information available, it's difficult to know where to start. Our Careers Service can make this process easier for you. We offer a FREE service to assist you in your search for employment in the UK.
Just fill in our form and wait for recruiters to find you!
Careers Advice
Perhaps you have always wanted to be a pilot or a doctor, or perhaps you are not quite sure what you want to be. Either way we can help you with our selection of career sector articles.
An important part of your career planning is to put together your own personal information record. This is often referred to by the Latin term curriculum vitae (CV for short), although some people prefer the American/French résumé.
How to write a CV
Writing a CV
How to write a covering letter
Surviving the interview
How to answer difficult interview questions
Get a Job
If you're looking for a job, let us do the hard work for you. Courses and Careers has compiled a list of top recruiters and employers that currently have vacancies for graduates who want an immediate start.
Brighton and Hove City Council
Care Council Wales
Greater Manchester Fire and Rescue Service
NATS - National Air Traffic Services
TTC Training - Modern Apprenticeships in Travel and Residential Estate Agency