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Student Advice

New Fees

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New Fees
variable tuition fees
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We have all been made aware of the new tuition fee rises coming to the majority of us who live or want to study in England. If you're Scots or Welsh, your Assembly and Parliament will be giving you help via the tax-payer. However, if you are English or studying at an English university, then fees are rising.

First things first for the luckier, fees are NOT rising in Scotland or Wales for students who stay at 'home' to study. In fact, there is some hope that Welsh students will get their Assembly subsidy both in the home country as well as across the border . However, English students venturing across the Severn have already been told by five Welsh universities that they will pay the 'English' rate of £9,000 a year.

The Maximum
So far those universities that will be charging the maximum £9,000 in tuition fees (according to reports from the BBC) will definitely include the universities of: Aston; Bath; Bath Spa; Bitmingham; Bradford; Brighton; Bristol; Brunel: Cambridge; Central Lancashire; Chester; City University London; College of Law; De Montfort; Durham; East Anglia; East London; Edgehill; Essex; Exeter; Falmouth; Goldsmith's; Harper Adams; Hull; Imperial; Keele; Kent; King's College London; Lancaster; Leeds; Leicester; Lincoln: Liverpool; Liverpool John Moores; Loughborough; Manchester; Middlesex; Newcastle; Nottingham; Oxford; Oxford Brookes; Plymouth; Queen Mary's London; Reading; Royal Agricultural College; Royal Holloway; Royal Veterinary College; School of Oriental & African Studies; Sheffield; Southampton; St George's London; Surrey, Sussex; University of the Arts; University College London; West of England; Warwick.

The 'fill your boots' brigade (possibly an unfair nickname) justify the full whack on two grounds. Firstly the government is cutting their money and they have to make it up (true but at what level is disputed). Secondly, if they charge less than their competitors they will be seen as cheaper and automatically of less quality (untrue in any other field).

Last Updated on Thursday, 23 June 2011 14:42  
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