Mohawk College
P.O. Box 2034, Hamilton, ON, Canada
L8N 3T2
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology
Mohawk College of Applied Arts and Technology is located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. There are over 12,000 students enrolled in over 100 postsecondary programs featuring Applied Arts, Business, Human Services and Engineering Technology.
International students studying at our college may apply for a work permit six months after enrolling in a full time program. Upon graduating students may obtain a graduate work permit for up to three years. Many of our programs also have co-op work placements during studies where students obtain valuable practical work experience.
Our International Department has over 30 years in experience with students from around the world and we offer a full range of services for students coming to Canada.
For more information go to our web site
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Last Updated on Wednesday, 06 October 2010 13:19